Industry References & Papers

Industry References/Papers

Platelets play an important role in thrombosis and hemostasis. Understanding and modulating their reactivity is central to the management of patients with certain pathologies.
Aggredyne PFT White Paper
Importance of Platelet Function Testing with AggreGuide A-100 amid the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Ramos-Cejudo J, Johnson,A.D., Beiser A, et al. Platelet Function Testing Is Associated with Dementia Risk in the Framingham Heart Study.  Journal of American Heart Association.2022;11:e023918 26 Apr 2022.
Cofer LB, Barrett TJ, and Berger JS Aspirin for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Time for a Platelet-Guided Approach.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2022; 42:1207-1216
McFadyen JD and Gardiner EE. An Aspirin a Day….
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2022;42:1217-1219.
Gurbel PA, Tantry U, Blideen K, Fisher R, Sukavaneshvar S, Dahen J,Speros,O. Novel Method for Assessing Platelet response to ADP: Technical Validation Study of the AggreGuide A-100 ADP Assay.
ACC.20 Am College of Cardiology eAbstract 28 Mar 2020
Gurbel P.A., Tantry U.S., Bliden K.P. et al. Clinical validation of AggreGuide A-100 ADP, a novel assay for assessing the antiplatelet effect of oral P2Y12 antagonists. J Throm & Thrombolysis. 2021; 52,272-280.
Ramos-Cejudo J., Johnson A.D., Beiser A. et al. Platelet Function is Associated with Dementia Risk in the FRAMINGHAM HEART STUDY. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022; May 3; 11(9).
Li W, Zhu W, Wang A, et al. Effect of Adjusting Antiplatelet Therapy on Preventing Ischemic Events After Stenting for Intracranial Aneurysms. Stroke. 2021; 52: 3815-3825.
Chapot,R. Platelet Function Testing Is Required for Intracranial Stent Placement. STROKE. 2021; 52:00-00.
Galli M, Benenati S, Capodanno D…Angiolillo D J et al. Guided versus standard antiplatelet therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a systemic review and menta-analysis. LANCET 2021; 397: 1470-83.